Today’s Workout 11/11/13

Tomorrow’s Workout 11/11/13.

My workout for the day- ok, minus Fran. Ain’t got time for two a days, er, not today anyway.
So, this eating plan we’ve been on the last few weeks is great. Travis made weight easily yesterday. Actually weighed in 93.8! And I’m right at 63. A few more kilos and I’ll officially be a 59…and hopefully my snatch will stay strong and somewhere my body weight and snatch will meet: glorious day that will be! My squats are staying strong too! I worked up to 255#/3, 260#/3, then drop set at 195# for 10.

Today’s menu:
Breakfast: pumpkin protein bars (similar recipe to the one I posted last week for lemon protein bars)
Lunch: spaghetti squash and roasted zucchini with homemade meat sauce
Snack:pork tenderloin and pineapple
Snack 2: granny smith and crunchy peanut butter
Dinner: pork tenderloin, black beans, and caramelized pineapple over romaine- and homemade sweet lime dressing
10 almonds and a piece of dark chocolate.. For my sanity.

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