“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

-Mae West


Did you know that some people think in pictures and some people think in words? I learned this last summer sitting around the gym with some brilliant thinkers {Greg Nuckols}. This is a real thing. I never thought about thinking before..like that people do it differently, but it actually makes perfect sense. Travis, for example, thinks in excel spreadsheets. My mom, thinks exactly like I do..or I think exactly like she does.. like a tilted hourglass. The thoughts are there swirling around and playing out, but then I have to translate them into spoken words. Like the sand in an hourglass is there, and when its straight up and down it flows right out {this is people who think in words}, but if it’s tilted, it takes a little longer {changing pictures to words} to reach its destination {spoken word}.
I am very much a visual thinker, and I don’t really get how people think in words? When I try to think in words it turns into a cool font with a shadow and some background and stuff, which I’m pretty sure is actually a picture and not words… anyway, I’m going to read up on this and appreciate the differences in people… It’s pretty awesome to think about- God hooked us up.

So, yesterday’s eating plan turned out pretty close to prescribed. I was STARV.ING after I lifted last night..my apple and almonds barely lasted through my 5×5 back squats, so I did indulge in roasted sweet potatoes with my chicken for dinner…and the spinach salad turned into steamed broccoli.

In true gymratlifestyle I put in a cardio training session this a.m. already- 5 x 400m run…. and tonight’s session will include OH squats, jerks {Brealon, I hope you are there to coach me…}, and rows, and other awesome stuff like pullups and thrusters …

Today’s menu is: 

 Breakfast: lemon protein bars {recipe below}, Lunch: 4oz grilled BBQ salmon, 1 cup butternut squash, Snack: granny smith apple and 1 1/2 Tbsp. almonds, Dinner: pumpkin {bean-less} chili with sour cream…and maybe a potato.

I don’t have a great picture of the protein bars to show you, but here is a GREAT picture of MashMafia and AttitudeNation from the meet last Saturday…

MashMafia & Attitude Nation

{Lemon Protein Bars} **
-recipe inspired by Jamie Eason
Mix all dry ingredients:
1 cup oats
1 tsp. baking soda
2 scoops of vanilla flavor protein {I use MMI Vanilla Ice Cream flavor}
1/2-1 2Quart size Crystal Lite lemonade powder

In a separate bowl, Mix all wet ingredients:
4 egg whites
8 oz. unsweetened applesauce (or 2 overripe bananas, mashed)

Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix just until moist.
Pour into an 8×8 glass baking dish, sprayed.
Bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes.
Cut into 16 squares. Each square is about 45 calories with 5g protein.
I eat three at a time for a meal, or two for a snack. YUM.

**For blueberry protein bars, I use the same base recipe. Omit the lemonade powder, add splenda {if you want} and a dash of vanilla and then stir in blueberries right before putting in the baking dish. Also, use the bananas for the blueberry bars instead of applesauce.

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